The Man that Dreamed There was a man that dreamed of a utopia. He was a man of principles. He was a man of honor. He was…
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The Dreams of A Man
The Dreams of a Man The true dreams of the man were to create a beautiful and perfect utopia. A world where all the star…
Existential Tribulations
There is nobody, There is nothing. Trauma processed to gain clarity, Pain is Liquid, but the surface is breaking, white …
Two Burger Recipes (for picky eaters)
Two Burger Recipes (for picky eaters) Coming from someone with a family filled with picky eaters, it’s understandable to…
Free Verse 4
Free Verse 4 I am afraid to feel. What is it like? To be joyful, enraged, or content? To be so vulnerable, yet so strong…
NBA Playoff Predictions
My NBA Playoff Predictions The NBA playoffs are well underway and the hype is here. Many stars have reached a new…
Designer Spotlight: Junya Watanabe
Junya Watanabe Origins Fury, Formerly Rei Kawakubo’s apprentice pattern-maker at Comme des Garcons, Junya Watanabe knew …
Falling The sky is falling, Tick Tock Tick Tock… Here, afar, over there, everywhere, it falls, OH IT FALLS. Yet I stood …
Kant’s Response To “How Does One Live A Good Life?” In Reference to “Hornbook Ethics” by Cardwell
Immanuel Kant is recognized as the founder of deontology, who derives morality from pure reason (Stanford Encyclopedia o…
Water and Land
Water and Land Wave rising like a predator sizing up their prey After spotting them in a field of a dozen copies of the …