
The Man That Dreamed

The Man that Dreamed There was a man that dreamed of a utopia. He was a man of principles. He was a man of honor. He was…

The Dreams of A Man

The Dreams of a Man The true dreams of the man were to create a beautiful and perfect utopia. A world where all the star…

Free Verse 4

Free Verse 4 I am afraid to feel. What is it like? To be joyful, enraged, or content? To be so vulnerable, yet so strong…


Falling The sky is falling, Tick Tock Tick Tock… Here, afar, over there, everywhere, it falls, OH IT FALLS. Yet I stood …

Water and Land

Water and Land Wave rising like a predator sizing up their prey After spotting them in a field of a dozen copies of the …

The Man That Dreams

The Man That Dreams There is a man that dreams, they last forever and are hopeful. He is never able to get up onto his f…

A Sea of Memories

A sea of memories Memories are what make us who we are We live life forming new memories years go by and we have amassed…

Free Verse 3: Home

  Free Verse 3: Home It’s time to leave, vacate, pull away from the haven, house, class, family. It’s what th…

Blair Academy