Indian runner ducks are a very interesting species of flightless bird. They have adapted to possess an upright posture which makes them unique over all other animals of the same genus. One famous duck on the internet named “Long Boi” lived on campus at York University. Long Boi was a three-foot-tall Indian runner duck with feather colors resembling that of a male mallard duck. Long Boi gained a lot of popularity online and became a widespread phenomenon, appearing in memes and social media posts on a wide variety of platforms.
What exactly are these special ducks and how are they different? To better understand this strange variation of bird, one must know the similarities between it and any other duck. Both animals share a similar diet consisting of bugs, slugs, plants, and grapes. They both have similar bodily structures and functions. There are a few biological differences between Indian runner ducks and other dabbling ducks. While regular ducks are able to fly, Indian runners cannot due to their posture and skeletal structure. Another thing caused by their physical form is their ability to run, or “quickstep,” instead of waddling like other ducks (“Indian Runner duck”). This most likely removed the necessity for flight, causing an adaptation where flight is not possible.
Long Boi gained popularity after being spotted on York University’s campus in the year 2021. He was, at the time, the main subject in many internet memes. Long Boi was said to be one meter tall, but he was actually just about 70cm (28 inches) tall (“Long Boi” YUSU). After some arrangements, Greg James from BBC Radio 1 did a show with Long Boi and got him to quack on stage. It was discovered on 11 May, 2023, that Long Boi had died, so YUSU began a fundraiser with a goal of £2,000 to put a bench with a Long Boi plaque on campus. If more than £2,000 were raised, there would be a statue dedicated to Long Boi. YUSU ended up raising £5,500 and a bronze sculpture of Long Boi was made as a memorial of the famous duck (“Long Boi” Wikipedia).
In conclusion, this species of flightless bird is a very interesting one. The story of Long Boi is also quite interesting as well. This bird is pretty fun to learn about and can also be used as biological evidence of physical adaptations. Indian runner ducks are pretty funny to look at because of their height and posture and are also very helpful as pets, as they eat slugs commonly found in gardens. This duck is a prime example that evolution can sometimes do strange things!
Works Cited
“Indian Runner duck.” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_Runner_duck. Accessed 21 April 2024.
“Long Boi.” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long_Boi. Accessed 25 April 2024.
“Long Boi.” AMLaP 2022, https://amlap2022.york.ac.uk/visiting-york/long-boi. Accessed 25 April 2024.
“Long Boi.” University of York Students’ Union, https://yusu.org/longboi. Accessed 25 April 2024.