In Depth Review of “Deep Rock Galactic”

Deep Rock Galactic (DRG) is a 4-player Co-op FPS (first-person shooter) survival game where the players play as dwarven miners in a morally corrupt intergalactic mining company. The dwarves are based in a space station right above Hoxxes, the planet that the intergalactic company (Deep Rock Galactic) has chosen to exploit resources from.

In DRG, players can choose between four classes, Scout, Gunner, Engineer, and Driller. Each class offers a different style to play. The Scout class is focused on mobility given its signature gadget, the grappling hook. It allows the player to get to hard-to-reach places. The Gunner class offers high offensive capabilities with high ammo and high-damage weaponry making it easy to mow down the swarms of Glypids, the game’s enemy. The Engineer class specializes in supporting the team by placing down turrets and shooting foam platforms to allow easier access to hard-to-reach minerals and objectives. Finally, the Driller class is given a drill pack that is able to easily drill through terrain to access objectives and create bunkers to avoid the intense swarms from killing the team.

Through the quest system available at a terminal in the space station, the player is able to progress through the game, unlocking cosmetics and weapons, with each weapon adding a new style to play each character in. Some of the objectives in the game include but are not limited to: Morkite extraction, which is a mineral that the intergalactic company sells for money; Elimination, in which the player searches for massive eggs containing bosses that the player must kill before they are able to extract and leave the planet; and Point extraction, is a game mode where the player finds special crystals called Aquarq and digs them out of the walls of the caverns to deposit them into the extraction pod.

Now some people may be asking about DRG’s replayability, as it seems the player continuously repeats the same actions and tasks over and over again. However, the randomized world generation and myriads of objectives add lots of replayability. In addition, there are also many ways in which players can play the various classes, with new unlockables adding new ways to interact with the objectives and terrain. Through the comprehensive perk system, the player is able to change the way each class can be played, with some perks allowing the player to revive when downed for last-second clutch moments to save the entire team from failing the mission.

Overall I would rate the game as a 9/10, given its fun gameplay and almost infinite amount of content that is only limited to your imagination. The only prohibitor to the game is the $29.99 price tag, but that can be resolved by waiting for a Steam sale.

Blair Academy